Tuesday, April 17, 2012

DHEA Supplements For Men Over 30


Here is a press release I found from a company producing a DHEA product.  The release focuses on men over 30 and testosterone levels.

Some of the issues they mention for falling DHEA levels with age include erectile dysfunction (ED), fatigue, loss of strength, loss of stamina, decreased energy levels, loss of muscle mass, decreased sexual stimulation, softening of bone tissue, and poor sleep patterns.

Another ingredient in their product is called L-Arginine.  Former football player Roger Craig is quoted in the release.  I haven't tried this product myself but wanted to put the information out there.

True Healthy Products recently released their new Cell Formula supplement line for men over 30 which features the DHEA supplements product, “Daily Optimizer”. The Daily Optimizer is a testosterone boosting supplement which contains key ingredients for men over 30 including DHEA and L-Arginine.

To view the full press release, visit:



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Thank you!